Sneaky Credit Fees?

Most credit card companies charge fees that you would least expect. Some fees play on the fact that the majority of people do not read the fine print when applying for a card, so companies would most likely claim that there is nothing sneaky about them. However, there are some fees that a person would not be aware of even if they read every single word of a credit card application. It is a common practice for banks and credit card companies to delay monthly statements, because they are fully aware that people are more likely to incur fees when they have not had a chance to see their current status.

Another popular way of getting people to pay fees is approving a purchase that actually puts someone over his credit limit. An over-the-limit fee is charged, and the person will have no idea until he receives his next statement. Several credit card companies get business by telling potential members that there is no annual fee for certain cards. However, in many of these cases there is a hidden monthly fee charged. Even if someone pays his bill in full and on time, he will still have to pay a fee of a few dollars each month.

How Can You Avoid Sneaky Credit Fees? Americans pay billions of dollars in credit card fees each year, so these fees are clearly difficult to avoid. One simple way a person can guard himself against fees is to make sure he knows what to look for. There are over-the-limit fees, cash advance fees, balance transfer fees, and of course, late fees. Each time a cardholder receives a bill he should look for these things to see if he is being charged.

“How can I save money on the fees that I just can’t avoid?”

If extra fees consistently appear on bills, there are a few things one can do to at least bring them down. Paying bills early will help, as will staying under the credit limit. Also, some companies charge fees for paying by phone, so simply paying a bill online or through the mail will help a person save some money.